
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Urgent care: preventing overcooked meat

Urgent Care in Germantown, MD
Outdoor cooking season is here

Every summer, urgent care centers see their share of patients who suffer with some type of food poisoning. Most people realize the dangers of undercooked food, or food that has been mishandled, but did you know that overcooked or over-charred food can be just as dangerous? Over charring or burning meat causes a chemical reaction that is unhealthy, even dangerous. Consider the following tips to prevent dangerously overcooked foods:
  • Avoid excessive burn marks
  • Use lean meat
  • Cut before you cook
  • Marinate your meat
  • Cook more vegetables

Convenient, walk-in care for Germantown, MD

When it comes to healthcare and preventive medicine, it is important to have access to immediate care for health risks such as food poisoning. Medical Access provides convenient walk-in care or urgent care as an alternative to long waits in the emergency room. Their friendly staff will carefully and quickly assess your needs and provide the appropriate services, from preventive medicine to x-ray and lab services. Their facilities are fully staffed and equipped in order to meet the demands of their patients and their healthcare needs. Simply drop in, as no appointment is necessary for immediate, non life threatening health issues. Medical Access is serving patients in Montgomery County, Germantown, Gaithersburg and Hyattstown.