
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Employment health services for workplace hearing loss

Employment Health Services
Protecting employee hearing

One of the chief concerns regarding employment health services is noise in the workplace and hearing loss. When we are exposed to high levels of noise over an extended period of time, hearing loss can occur precipitately. Hearing loss is alarmingly serious because it is painless, progressive, and permanent. In other words, hearing loss is often unrecognized until it is too late to correct. This is why annual hearing tests should be a regular component in employment health services.

Employers can help prevent hearing loss

Employers are very instrumental in the process to prevent hearing loss in the workplace. There are primarily three ways this can happen:
  1. Identifying any noise problem may exist
  2. Evaluating the extent of the potential problem
  3. Devising methods and systems to control it

Recognizing the problem can be as simple as detecting the reality that workers are unable to properly communicate with another, even if only a few feet away. However, identifying the various exposure scenarios can be a complex undertaking. Exposure scenarios of the employees and many other situations make identification of a noise hazard very difficult.

One of the most essential elements for a successful hearing conservation program is to get employees to buy into the program. This begins with sufficient training and yearly employee screening. When employees understand the far reaching consequences of losing their hearing, it is more likely they will comply with the hearing conservation requirements.

Maintain a healthy workforce with Occupational Health Services

With more than 27years of experience and expert clinicians in occupational health, Medical Access is focused on helping keep your workforce healthy and productive. In addition, we provide services through our highly convenient, walk-in location in Germantown, MD. From drug screenings to wellness programs, Medical Access offers a wide range of employment health services to support employers in maintaining a healthy, safe workforce, while reducing the costs of work injury treatment for your company and your employees.